Garage Door Openers: How to Add Extra Security

The garage door is more often than not the largest opening in a house. Understandably, this is where much of the security risks are going to arise. As a homeowner, it is your job to make sure that this space secured, and one of the best approaches to this is to add extra security measures to the garage door opener. Read on to learn a variety of things you can begin doing today to accomplish this goal and keep your family and home safe from would-be thieves.

Add Extra Security by Disconnecting Emergency Release Lever Rope

One of the most popular methods used by thieves to break into your home is to fish for your emergency lever. This lever attached to your opener allows the garage door to go into manual mode in the event of an emergency where power has been cut off. However, thieves can easily get ahold of if by slipping in a hanger through the top of your garage door. The best thing to do here is to simply remove the rope attached to the lever. Don’t worry; you can still utilize the function from inside the garage in the event of an emergency. If you want further detail on how to remove or not damage the level, you should consult a garage door repair Los Angeles company.

Take an Extra Step: Lock Your Lever

Although the rope has been disconnected, there is still a chance that someone could simply slide in a hanger to press the lever down without using the rope. In order to make sure that this doesn’t happen as well, you should begin taking the extra step of locking your lever and attaching it to the rest of the carriage assembly. You may utilize a rope tie to connect the two together and prevent hangers from going through and pulling it down.