South Beach Garage Door Repair: How Do I Protect My Garage From the Beach?
South beach garage door repair is necessary for many homes at any time of year. If you happen to live next to the beach, you’ve got to deal with more than just sounds from the ocean. Instead, the presence of sand and saltwater can cause plenty of mechanical problems. Since most machines, function best without a ton of friction, the beach isn’t always the best place. However, despite such limitations, tons of people continue to flock there. If you decided to brave the elements, strategic maintenance could minimize the damage. That way, you can enjoy being close to the beach without having a broken garage door. To us, that sounds like a pretty sweet deal.
South Beach Garage Door Repair: Why Isn’t My Garage Working?
Every day, we get calls from people exacerbated by problems with their garage. Around these parts, broken garage doors are more common than in other places. Because we are so close to the ocean, there are a few factors in play. Besides the normal wear and tear, oceanic environments throw in a few extra variables. Unless you take them into account, don’t be surprised if the garage door malfunctions.
Saltwater in the Air Can Corrode Metals
Above all, salt water is much more corrosive than most people realize. In fact, depending on the metal, you’ll notice a difference within a few days. Luckily, you can protect most metals with protective sealants. These prevent the saltwater from connecting with the metal. Thus, by doing that, your garage is safe. Instead of corroding, it’ll work for years. However, every so often, you should reapply those sealants. Otherwise, they will wear off. Then, you’ll be without protection.
Sand Infiltrates Any Small Space
On top of the saltwater, beaches are famous for their sand. Of course, people tend to love sand when it is at the beach. However, sand loves to tag along for the ride once you leave. If it wedges itself inside your garage door, those particles can wreak havoc on the machinery. Instead of opening gracefully, you’ll hear tons of crunching. That’s the sound of those particles being smashed by the rollers. Of course, it’s doing just as much damage to the garage door equipment as it is to sing it. For the best results, you’ll want to ensure the tracks are always clean. If not, prepare for some unexpected wear and tear.
Why Does the Beach Cause So Much Wear and Tear That You Need South Beach Garage Door Repair?
With those factors in mind, it shouldn’t be too surprising that the beach tends to damage garage doors. That said, plenty of people who live near the beach still have functioning garages. What have they done differently so that theirs didn’t break? Well, most of the time, it comes down to preventative maintenance. As long as you take care of your equipment, it should last for quite a while. If not, it’s probably because you forgot something important. Since these stores are built to last for decades, mistakes to the crop of all too often. If they do, you should take a closer look at the equipment.
Ensure There Is Not a Lot of Sand on the Components
First and foremost, you should eliminate all of the sand coating your stuff. Since it causes so much friction, it creates more damage than just about anything else. Fortunately, getting rid of it is relatively straightforward. All you need is a rag and some cleaning solution. Spray down all the exposed parts of your garage door. Once that is done, wipe it with the rack. Afterward, everything should be like it is brand-new. To test it out, try to open the door. If it made noise previously, it should open much more quietly now. Of course, there is more for you to do than just clean the tracks. Since you wipe them down, all the lubricant is gone. Unless you replace it, friction will still be a problem. Although it’s not as bad as sand, tracks without lubricant are far from ideal. Most of the time, you can pick up some lubricant from a nearby hardware store. Plus, on top of that, it is usually not all that expensive. Therefore, even those who are budget conscious should be able to afford such repairs.
Always Lubricate the Tracks
Even after you wipe it down, those tracks aren’t quite ready. Of course, you can test the tracks before you lubricate them. That way, you don’t waste any lubricant. If you tested the door after leaving them, you might have to redo all your work. As the test progresses, listen to the sound of sand. If you hear anything strange, then you did not wipe everything down thoroughly enough. As a result, you’ll have to go back to the previous step. Once you wipe everything down again, You can try testing the results. As long as everything sounds like it’s good, then you can move on to the next step. Since everything has been cleaned, you’ll need to reapply the loop. Otherwise, when you lift the door, it will encounter a lot of resistance. Over time, that resistance causes damage unless you eliminate it. The only way to do that is with lubricant.