New Garage Doors Can Make Your Home Easier to Sell

You may have heard that remodeling a kitchen or adding a deck can increase a home’s value. However, you can get the same result by having a new garage door installed as well. For homeowners, this may be a project worth pursuing because it is less expensive and takes less time to complete. How do new garage doors add value to your home?

New Doors Look Great from Outside

A new garage door can make your home’s exterior look fresher and cleaner. You can further clean up the exterior without a lot of effort by having the driveway sealed or the shutters and front door repainted. By adding curb appeal to your home, it makes it more likely that a person will want to make an offer on the property. If multiple people make offers on the property, it could result in a bidding war.

Bidding Wars Can Increase the Price of the Home Substantially

A bidding war could result in your home selling for thousands of dollars or more above list price. The cost to put a new garage door up may be in the hundreds of dollars depending on the material it is made from and how long it takes to install. Therefore, you could see a return on investment of 100 percent or more depending on market conditions. On average, homeowners see anywhere from a 90 to 100 percent return on investment, which is on par with putting in a new deck.

Garage Door Projects Can Be Completed Quickly

It may be possible to get garage door service Los Angeles the same day that you agree to a contractor’s offer. Ideally, you will talk to multiple service providers to make sure that you get the best price on the market. Interviewing multiple contractors may also help gain insight into the type of materials and warranties that are available for your new door.